+34 682 63 77 29


Plaza Mosquera 4

Alcalali, Alicante

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00

Office opening hours

Contact Us Now for all your property maintenance needs!

Pressure Washing

Tired of looking at old and tired tiles? Wondering how on Earth you can clean your stone walls? There is absolutely no reason for you to accept that’s just the way it is! At Class Act Property Maintenance we can clean every outside surface with our state of the art pressure washing system.

The difference can be staggering after a professional pressure washing clean of your external property – just check out our before and after photos. Be it your pool surround, stone walls, wooden decking or even your entire house, we take great pride in our results.

Are you worried the dirt has been left too long and the removal will uncover hidden damage or problems? Don’t worry; we have members of our team that can fix all manner of things. Will removing the mould growth off our balustrades uncover bad paint work? Don’t worry, we have you covered. What happens if the grout in my tiles is loose? Don’t worry, we have you covered. This is the beauty of hiring a professional property maintenance team, you can rest assured in the knowledge that whatever you hire us to do we will get the job done to the highest of standards.

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