+34 682 63 77 29


Plaza Mosquera 4

Alcalali, Alicante

Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00

Office opening hours

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Pool Maintenance

Cleaning a pool is not just throwing in some chemicals. If it was that easy you wouldn’t need a regular pool service.

At ClassAct we can look after your pool all year round.

Our weekly service will include:

Pool cleaning including floor, walls and edges
Water surface cleaned with nets
All skimmers and pump baskets emptied
Sand filter back washed and rinsed as necessary
Chemical balance checked and adjusted as necessary
Pool and pool systems checked
Water level adjusted as necessary
Timer clock checked and set (if applicable)
Sand changed if required (at additional cost)
One visit per week from October – May and two visits per week June – September
If you are looking to refurbish your pool or have a complete redesign and rebuild, we can assist you with that from start to finish. The best time to undertake such works would be the Winter season.

Prevention is better than cure, so we prefer to identify small problems before they become potentially costly issues. We work with an amazing team of pool specialists and technicians and should a problem arise, we’re on hand to get it repaired as soon as possible.


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